Source code for cli_proton_python.coreclient

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""" Proton reactive API python core client module """

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

import time

import proton
import proton.reactor
import proton.handlers

from cli_proton_python import utils

[docs]class CoreClient(proton.handlers.MessagingHandler): """ Proton reactive API python core client implements various support methods for sender, recevier and connector """ def __init__(self, opts, reactor_opts=None): """ CoreClient constructor :param opts: core client options :type opts: optparse.Values instance :param reactor_opts: reactor options :type reactor_opts: dict """ reactor_opts = reactor_opts or {} super(CoreClient, self).__init__(**reactor_opts) self.url = proton.Url(opts.broker_url) self.msg_total_cnt = None self.start_tm = time.time() self.opts = opts if getattr(opts, 'sync_mode', None) or getattr(opts, 'capacity', None): raise NotImplementedError("Options not implemented yet: 'sync_mode', 'capacity'") self.auto_settle = reactor_opts.get('auto_settle', True) self.timeout = None self.next_task = None self.tearing_down = False self.msgs = []
[docs] def parse_connection_options(self): """ Prepare options passed to container connect :return: connection options :rtype: dict """ conn_opts = {} if self.opts.conn_urls is not None: if not isinstance(self.opts.conn_urls, (str, list)): raise ValueError('Invalid conn-urls value, expected string or list: %s' % self.opts.conn_urls) conn_opts['urls'] = proton.reactor.Urls(self.opts.conn_urls) if self.opts.conn_reconnect == 'false': conn_opts['reconnect'] = False elif (self.opts.conn_reconnect_interval or self.opts.conn_reconnect_limit or self.opts.conn_reconnect_timeout): conn_opts['reconnect'] = CustomBackoff(self.opts.conn_reconnect_interval, self.opts.conn_reconnect_limit or 99, self.opts.conn_reconnect_timeout) if self.opts.conn_heartbeat is not None: if not isinstance(self.opts.conn_heartbeat, int): raise ValueError('Invalid conn-heartbeat value, expected number: %s' % self.opts.conn_heartbeat) conn_opts['heartbeat'] = self.opts.conn_heartbeat if self.opts.conn_handler is not None: raise NotImplementedError("Option not implemented yet: 'conn_handler'") if self.opts.conn_max_frame_size is not None: conn_opts['max_frame_size'] = self.opts.conn_max_frame_size if self.opts.conn_allowed_mechs is not None: conn_opts['allowed_mechs'] = self.opts.conn_allowed_mechs return conn_opts
[docs] def set_up_ssl_server_auth(self, event): """ set-up SSLDomain for the server verification | VERIFY_PEER: Require peer to provide a valid identifying certificate | VERIFY_PEER_NAME: Require valid certificate and matching name :param event: reactor event :type event: proton.Event """ if not self.opts.conn_ssl_trust_store: raise ValueError('trust store path needs to be given: %s' % self.opts.conn_ssl_trust_store) event.container.ssl.client.set_trusted_ca_db(self.opts.conn_ssl_trust_store) if self.opts.conn_ssl_verify_peer_name: event.container.ssl.client.set_peer_authentication(proton.SSLDomain.VERIFY_PEER_NAME) elif self.opts.conn_ssl_verify_peer: event.container.ssl.client.set_peer_authentication(proton.SSLDomain.VERIFY_PEER)
[docs] def set_up_ssl_client_auth(self, event): """ sets-up SSLDomain for the client authentication :param event: reactor event :type event: proton.Event """ if not self.opts.conn_ssl_private_key: raise ValueError('client private key path needs to be given: %s' % self.opts.conn_ssl_private_key) event.container.ssl.client.set_credentials(self.opts.conn_ssl_certificate, self.opts.conn_ssl_private_key, self.opts.conn_ssl_password)
[docs] def set_up_ssl(self, event): """ sets-up SSLDomain :param event: reactor event :type event: proton.Event """ if (self.opts.conn_ssl_trust_store or self.opts.conn_ssl_verify_peer_name or self.opts.conn_ssl_verify_peer): self.set_up_ssl_server_auth(event) if self.opts.conn_ssl_certificate: self.set_up_ssl_client_auth(event)
[docs] def tear_down(self, event, settled=False): """ tears down and closes the connection :param event: reactor event :type event: proton.Event :param settled: indicates whether all messages has been explicitly settled :type settled: bool """ if self.auto_settle or settled: if self.next_task is not None: self.next_task.cancel() if self.timeout is not None: self.timeout.cancel() if self.opts.log_stats == 'endpoints': utils.dump_event(event) self.tearing_down = True time.sleep(self.opts.close_sleep) if event.receiver: event.receiver.close() if event.sender: event.sender.close() if event.connection: event.connection.close()
[docs] def print_message(self, message): ''' prints or store a message utils.print_message wrapper :param msg: message :type msg: proton.Message :param msg_format: pre-defined message format :type msg_format: str ''' if self.opts.log_msgs == 'store': self.msgs.append(message) else: utils.print_message(message, self.opts.log_msgs)
[docs] def get_messages(self): ''' returns list of stored messages ''' return self.msgs
[docs] def clear_messages(self): ''' clears list of stored messages ''' self.msgs = []
[docs] def set_delay_before(self): """ returns delay duration before sending a message (in seconds) :return: time to wait before message is sent/received :rtype: float """ if self.opts.duration != 0 and self.opts.duration_mode == 'before-send': return self.calculate_delay(self.msg_total_cnt, self.opts.duration) return 0
[docs] def set_delay_after(self): """ returns delay duration after sending a message (in seconds) :return: time to wait after message is sent/received :rtype: float """ if self.opts.duration != 0 and self.opts.duration_mode == 'after-send': return self.calculate_delay(self.msg_total_cnt, self.opts.duration) return 0
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_delay(in_count, in_duration): """ calculates delay between sending/receiving messages used by shecduler when requested by duration option (uses logic from deprecated utils.sleep4next) :param in_count: number of messages to be sent/received :type in_count: int :param in_duration: send/receive process total execution time :type in_duration: int :return: computed time to wait before or after message is sent/received :rtype: float """ delay = 0.0 if (in_duration > 0) and (in_count > 0): delay = 1.0 * in_duration / in_count return delay
[docs] def on_transport_error(self, event): """ handler called when any error related to transport occurs .. seealso:: MessagingHandler::on_transport_error :param event: reactor event :type event: proton.Event """ if self.timeout is not None: self.timeout.cancel()
[docs]class CustomBackoff(proton.reactor.Backoff): """ a reconnect strategy involving an increasing delay between retries, up to a maximum or 60 seconds. This is a modified version supporting limit to the number of reconnect attempts before giving up. """ def __init__(self, interval=None, limit=None, timeout=None): """ CustomBackoff constructor :param interval: time interval between re-connect attempts :type interval: float :param limit: :type limit: int :param timeout: :type timeout: int """ super(CustomBackoff, self).__init__() self.failed = 0 self.cumulative = 0 self.interval = interval self.limit = limit or 0 self.timeout = timeout or 0
[docs] def reset(self): ''' resets the reconnect attempts counters ''' self.failed = 0 self.cumulative = 0 super(CustomBackoff, self).reset()
[docs] def next(self): ''' implements the reconnect attempt action :return: next reconnect attempt delay time :rtype: float ''' current = self.delay if current == 0: self.delay = self.interval or 0.1 else: if self.interval is None: self.delay = min(60, 2 * current) self.failed += 1 if self.limit and self.failed > self.limit: raise Exception('Failed to reconnect within defined %i attempts limit' % self.limit) if self.timeout and self.cumulative >= self.timeout: raise Exception('Failed to reconnect within defined %.f seconds timeout' % self.timeout) print('Connection error: reconnect attempt %i of %i, next in attempt: %.1f seconds' % (self.failed, self.limit, current)) self.cumulative += current return current
[docs]class DelayedNoop(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ callback object that does nothing. """
[docs] def on_timer_task(self, _): """ empty event handler method""" pass
[docs]class ClientException(Exception): """ custom client exception class (just to know source of exception) """ def __init__(self, message): """ ClientException constructor :param message: exception text to be printed out :type message: str """ super(ClientException, self).__init__(message)
[docs]class ErrorsHandler(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ class to be used as universal errors handler for clients """ def __init__(self, conn_reconnect): """ ErrorsHandler Constructor :param conn_reconnect: indicates whether re-connect is enabled ('true' or 'false') :type conn_reconnect: str """ self.conn_reconnect = conn_reconnect
[docs] def on_unhandled(self, name, event): """ Universal handler which sees all events when added as global handler to reactor. .. seealso:: node_data/clients/python/ and node_data/clients/python/ :param name: event name :type name: str :param event: event object :type event: proton.Event """ dlv = # trx_declare_failed if ((dlv is not None) and (hasattr(event, "transaction")) and (event.transaction is not None) and (dlv == event.transaction._declare) # pylint: disable=protected-access and (dlv.remote_state == proton.Delivery.REJECTED)): raise ClientException("Transaction error: %s ..." % "Transaction declare failed") # trx_failed if ((dlv is not None) and (hasattr(event, "transaction")) and (event.transaction is not None) and (dlv == event.transaction._discharge) # pylint: disable=protected-access and (dlv.remote_state == proton.Delivery.REJECTED) and (not event.transaction.failed)): raise ClientException("Transaction error: %s ..." % "Transaction failed") # connection_err if ((name == "on_connection_remote_close") and event.connection.remote_condition): err_message = "Connection error: %s ..." \ % self._evaluate_endpoint_error(event.connection, "connection") if self.conn_reconnect == "false": raise ClientException(err_message) else: utils.dump_error(err_message) # link_err if ((name == "on_link_remote_close") and raise ClientException("Link error: %s ..." % self._evaluate_endpoint_error(, "link")) # session_err if ((name == "on_session_remote_close") and event.session.remote_condition): raise ClientException("Session error: %s ..." % self._evaluate_endpoint_error(event.session, "session")) # transport_err if name == "on_transport_error": err_message = "Transport error: %s - %s" % (, event.transport.condition.description) if ("authentication" in event.transport.condition.description.lower() or self.conn_reconnect == "false"): raise ClientException(err_message) else: utils.dump_error(err_message) # select_err if name == "on_selectable_error": raise ClientException("Selector error: %s ..." % "Selectable error ...") # delivery rejected err if (name == "on_delivery" and ((dlv is not None) and dlv.remote_state == proton.Delivery.REJECTED)): raise ClientException("Message delivery error: %s ..." % "REJECTED")
@staticmethod def _evaluate_endpoint_error(endpoint, endpoint_type): """ Evaluate endpoint errors and returns detailed description. :param endpoint: endpoint :type endpoint: proton.Endpoint :param endpoint_type: type of the endpoint :type endpoint_type: str :return: error message :rtype: str """ message = "Unknown endpoint error ..." if endpoint.remote_condition: message = endpoint.remote_condition.description or elif (endpoint.state & proton.Endpoint.LOCAL_ACTIVE and endpoint.state & proton.Endpoint.REMOTE_CLOSED): message = "%s closed by peer" % endpoint_type return message